



  • 🔥[New Feature] User names, passwords and other information in
    Database Connection
    now support synchronization among team members.
  • ⚡️[Optimization] When inviting new users via
    , only the invited email account can join the team. Forwarding the invitation email will not work.
  • ⚡️[Optimization] When deploying a Runner, the mounted data directory is now empty by default and needs to be manually filled in to avoid issues where users lack access to the default directory.
  • ⚡️[Optimization] Reduced the file size of test reports to improve the speed of uploading them.
  • ⚡️[Optimization] When importing data in OpenAPI/Swagger format, if the body is in common file or image formats, it will be imported as a Binary type.
  • 🐞[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue where only the first cookie was sent when multiple cookies with the same name were included.
  • 🐞[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue where project editors could not use the scheduled import feature.
  • 🐞[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue where importing test scenarios after deleting cases associated with sprint branches would lose test steps.
  • 🐞[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue where the assertion results were displayed repeatedly when viewing test reports.
  • 🐞[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue where environments could not be imported when importing data into the project list.
  • 🐞[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue where, when exporting a project to OpenAPI/Swagger format, the
    field was exported as an empty object instead of an empty array when an endpoint had no authentication configured.
  • ⚡️[Optimization] When inviting new users via
    , only the invited email account can join the team. Forwarding the invitation email will not work.
  • ⚡️[Optimization] When deploying a Runner, the mounted data directory is now empty by default and needs to be manually filled in to avoid issues where users lack access to the default directory.
  • ⚡️[Optimization] Reduced the file size of test reports to improve the speed of uploading them.
  • ⚡️[Optimization] When importing data in OpenAPI/Swagger format, if the body is in common file or image formats, it will be imported as a Binary type.
  • 🐞[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue where only the first cookie was sent when multiple cookies with the same name were included.
  • 🐞[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue where project editors could not use the scheduled import feature.
  • 🐞[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue where importing test scenarios after deleting cases associated with sprint branches would lose test steps.
  • 🐞[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue where the assertion results were displayed repeatedly when viewing test reports.
  • 🐞[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue where environments could not be imported when importing data into the project list.
  • 🐞[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue where, when exporting a project to OpenAPI/Swagger format, the
    field was exported as an empty object instead of an empty array when an endpoint had no authentication configured.
  • 🔥【新機能】
  • ⚡️【最適化】
  • ⚡️【最適化】ランナーデプロイ時、マウントデータディレクトリのデフォルト値を空に変更。アクセス権限問題を防止するため手動入力必須化
  • ⚡️【最適化】テストレポートのファイルサイズ削減により、アップロード速度を向上
  • ⚡️【最適化】OpenAPI/Swagger形式データインポート時、bodyが一般的なファイル/画像形式の場合、Binaryタイプとして自動判定
  • 🐞【バグ修正】複数同名Cookie送信時に初回のみ送信される現象を解決しました。
  • 🐞【バグ修正】プロジェクト編集者の定期インポート機能使用不可問題を解決しました。
  • 🐞【バグ修正】子ブランチ関連APIテストケース削除後のテストシナリオインポート時のステップ欠損問題を解決しました。
  • 🐞【バグ修正】テストレポート閲覧時のアサーション結果重複表示を解決しました。
  • 🐞【バグ修正】プロジェクトリストからのデータインポート時の環境設定反映不可問題を解決しました。
  • 🐞【バグ修正】OpenAPI/Swagger形式でのプロジェクトエクスポート時、認証未設定APIにおけるSecurityフィールドのデータ型不整合(空オブジェクト→空配列)問題を解決しました。