Errors in exported json/yaml of API documentation
When I export the API documentation as json or yaml, the exported file has the following issues when viewed on Swagger editor:
- Some schema objects do not expand and collapse
- Example values are not visible
- Sample payload is not getting created using the example values of each param
- Despite renaming the existing tags, the older tag names are also getting exported in the json/yaml.
Md Mamunur Rashid
Hi Sanjivani, could you please share more details of the issues with screenshot so that we can narrow down the issue?
Md Mamunur Rashid Hi!
I am attaching screenshots of the issues I stated.
For each issue you see two screenshots - one from Apidog instance and the other from exported yaml.
- Issue 1 - Issue1-original-contentin apidog + Issue1-content-in-exported-yaml
- Issue 2 &3 - Issue2&3-example-seen-in-apidog + Issue2&3-no-example-seen-in-exported-yaml
- Issue 4 - Issue4-original-content-in apidog + Issue4-in-exported-yaml
It will be easier to explain these over a call. Feel free to set up a zoom call if you can.
Md Mamunur Rashid
Sanjivani, I've tested the second and third queries, and you can check out my screenshot—it shows examples in both Apidog and Swagger Editor.
For the last query, make sure your old tags are removed. And based on your last response, if you want to keep the tags but hide them in Swagger Editor, just set Export folder as tag fields to No—that’ll do the trick!
As for the first one, could you break it down a bit more? That’ll help us get a clearer picture of the issue.
Md Mamunur Rashid - I already tried removing the old tags. When I exported after that, none of the endpoints got exported in the yaml. Only schema components got exported. If I don't export folder as tags, then the renamed tags don't appear at all. Only the old names (older tags) get exported.
Md Mamunur Rashid For issue 1 - if you notice in Apidog - there are two schema components that are linked to one parameter "dedupeAttribute". These two are clickable links and have a diff set of parameters under each. If you see the same attribute in Swagger editor, it doesn't show the names of the schemas linked to the same attribute. Instead it shows #0 and #1. Of these, #0 doesn't even expand or collapse.